Sunday, August 2, 2009

Weekly review

More playing with Baxter this week. We also went to an orchard for some afternoon fun - trains, mini-golf, goats.... Grant loved the play area - mainly driving the train. Grant also had his first ear of corn. Well it was actually my ear of corn (really good corn I might add)...and about 1/2 way through the ear Grant decided he wanted it. Grant also had a bad diaper rash early in the he spent a bunch of time running around with just a shirt on....and you can imagine what happened on the floor every now and then.

1 comment:

Kendall and Melissa said...

What a brave lady, no diaper!?! I guess I'm not so brave as that! Were some of those pictures Apple Blossom Farm, or is it just someplace that looks similar? I've been wondering if they were still open.