Thursday, September 18, 2008

What to wear???

Who knew picking out a Halloween costume for your child could be so difficult? Should he be a super hero? A duck? A pumpkin? So many choices. Nate thinks I'm crazy. So I have a little poll going - what should Grant be for Halloween. Please help!!


Lindsey said...

We missed you at sewing group this morning. There were millions of patterns to choose from! I personally think that pumpkins are over-done, and I think Jacquie and Carrie are both going to do a monkey (though that is what I would probably choose). You should come next week! Have fun narrowing it down...

Anonymous said...

Talan is going as Superman this year. Every now and then he shouts out "Superhero!", so I took it as a sign. Miss Larkin is going to be Snow White, but I don't think Nate will let you do that to Grant. :)

Isabelle Cannon said...

once Issy was a cow when she was a little younger than grant and also it would be cute if he where a foot ball player with a cute little helmet.

love,isabelle and jack miss grant

Kerri said...

An Anmial is always a safe bet!