Thursday, June 18, 2009

I will NEVER....

I will never drive a minivan. I must have said this statement over and over again....and yet here is what is now parked in our garage.

Our brand new minivan. We have had it for about 3 days and I must say I really do like it. It is nice to open the side door and say "Grant go get in the car"...and he does. He loves it in the car - but mainly because there are a ton of buttons to push. So as he gets in he goes right up to the front and starts messing with the AC, radio, etc.

Lesson learned: Never say never

1 comment:

The Waisath's said...

I'm laughing...I've said the same thing a zillion times...and guess who is talking about getting a minivan now? I really dont want to, but they are way more practical than an SUV--for kids anyhow...